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Hypertension or high blood pressure is a condition in which the arteries have continuous elevated blood pressure. It can lead to damaged organs and severe health conditions like renal failure, heart failure or stroke.

Yoga is a mind-body activity that involves a series of movement and breathing exercises to improve flexibility and strength and manage stress. Yoga and aerobics help to lower blood pressure and prevent complications arising from hypertension.

Diabetes Mellitus

Diabetes Mellitus is a common lifestyle disorder. It can be type 1 or 2, depending on how the cells take up glucose and the age of onset. Many people think diabetes is a long-term disease, but smart lifestyle choices can help to keep the glucose level under control in the long run.

At Physiobliss, we focus on Yoga, aerobics and exercises to keep the body and mind healthy. It can help regularize hormones, including hormones, and promote glucose channelizing. Our professional trainers create personalized plans that include diets and other lifestyle changes to help manage diabetes.

Diabetes Mellitus
Thyroid & Other Hormonal Dysfunction

Thyroid & Other Hormonal Dysfunction

Thyroid and other hormonal imbalance disorders can lead to serious health issues like high cholesterol, high blood sugar levels, infertility, changes in the menstrual cycle, weight gain and other health conditions.

Our integrated wellness programs aim to help you manage, control the clinical progression, and reverse the hormonal dysfunction over time. A prescribed diet plan, physical activities, function training, and stress reduction techniques like therapeutic Yoga, meditation, and mind & body practises help successfully control and manage hormonal dysfunctions.

PCOD/PCOS & other lifestyle diseases.

PCOS/PCOS is a common hormonal disorder that can trigger severe health conditions like insulin resistance, metabolic syndrome, obesity, cardiovascular disease, Infertility and other lifestyle diseases. A healthy lifestyle is the most effective way to manage PCOD/PCOS symptoms like excessive body & facial features, irregular periods, weight gain and fertility issues.

At Physiobliss, we emphasize a balanced diet and physical activities to improve symptoms and prevent the risks of developing long-term health conditions like fertility issues, diabetes and cardiovascular diseases. A proper diet, exercise, and healthy lifestyle habits can help minimize symptoms and improve quality of life.


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